So Good
Liège waffle dough and waffles
Handmade production
So Good SA is a Belgian company specialised in the production of waffle dough following the original recipe of the city of Liège in Belgium.
Our professionalism and the quality of our product, prepared with first quality ingredients, enabled our business to a fast and steady growth. So Good is well positioned on the Belgian, European and North American and middle east markets.
We offer consultancy when requested by our new clients, so as to market the Liège Waffle in the best possible manner. These consultancy services allowed us to gain and maintain the trust of all our clients.
SO GOOD clients benefit from its long standing knowledge of dough storage and preservation techniques and advice for the selection and set up of the optimal cooking equipment in view of guaranteeing the unique taste and aspect of the original Liège Waffle!

Sweet & sugary
The waffle
Of Liège
The Liège Waffle inherits from a 300 years culinary tradition praised everyqhere in the Belgian Kindom and beyond. Thanks to its know-how. SO GOOD produces waffle dough following the original Liège Waffel recipe and using only top quality ingredients.
SO GOOD demonstrates its creativity by producing a digestible waffle dough in a variety of exclusive flavours
SO GOOD meets therefore the actual consumtion trends and tastes. Keeping the quality to the highest standards.
Superior quality
Waffle dough
Our waffle dough is packed and delivered in boxes containing 130 single doses, arranged in 5 trays of 26 doses each.
SO GOOD ensures the proper packaging and preservation of the dough and guarantees to its clients the full compliance of its products with the strictest European end North American food safety requirements:
FASFC for Europe (Federal agency for the safety of the food chain) and FDA for the USA (Food and Drug Administration).

Made with love,
a unique delight for gourmets
Waffle time
At your disposal
Our team is ready to welcome you with freshly prepared waffles.
Sector Wallonia - Brussels
- Mr BERNARD Romain
- +32 (0)494 21 89 69
Distributor for flanders
- Mr Kristof D’HOLLANDER
- +32 (0)497 41 02 79
Orders for export and all amusement parks (Belgium and abroad)
- Mr D'HOEDT Yves
- +32 (0)475 76 46 63